Video presentations

Reinventing video presentations for sales teams

How to run effective presentations with customers?

We have found that a great presentation is a presentation that will change your customer behavior. The goal of each presentation is to transfer knowledge and understand the customer's next call.

We have created a new integrated presentation system to empower your representatives, design and multichannel team.

Highp Presentation App

One application to run face to face meetings, remote meetings, and group presentations. We blended all functions together so your representatives can work anywhere, anytime, on-site and remotely with customers

The new presentation format

Your presentation is now nonlinear with pre-recorded video commentaries on each slide. Your commercial pitch will be supported by the video commentary of the expert. For internal and external education purposes video commented format is perfect for quick production and effective self-education. Decision-based education with expert support is one of the most effective knowledge transfer methodologies.

Interact and align

If you have the library of presentations consisting of many slides, it's important to quickly align to audience needs during the presentation. With the Highp video presentation, you as a presenter can quickly jump to the right presentation, right slide or agenda. Build-in simple A/B/C decisions will help you conduct interactive presentations. Drawing feature, video playback control and support of pre-recorded commentary to the slides will empower your representatives to make much more reliable and effective presentations.

Gather customer requests

During the presentation, your customers and employees can gather more information. These crucial data can be incorporated into customer journey automation and be followed by additional actions helping your brand to keep in touch with customers and react to their needs.

Remote meeting or Video conference

It's one click away - start your presentation 'on-air' and all invited customers will be able to join remotely presentation from any device. Video and audio of your representative will be transmitted from an iPad or iPhone. Your customers can use with confidence a mic in their devices to join the dialog - no necessary to call-in with a phone.

No app installation is required from the customer. It works like magic on most modern browsers, including safari, chrome, firefox.

Perfect group meeting

If you need to make a presentation in a group of customers, connect your iPhone or iPad (wireless or cable) to the projector or screen. Highp video presentation will show the intro screen while your representative can set up a meeting.

Use Apple Watch to change slides from the stage.


We want everyone to be able to create powerful presentations. We all have content and knowledge. It might be your creative agency, medical team, multichannel specialists or marketing team.

Everyone knows how to use Powerpoint. Making the next generation presentations starts from here.

Microsoft Powerpoint Add-on

You can download for free from the Office Store our DBE Video presentation add-on.

Online designer

Where ever you are, on PC or MAC, you can use our online designer to work on slides from the web panel.

Highp video presentation for websites

Video presentations for multichannel

It was our goal to reuse presentations for a multichannel purpose. With one click you can export the presentation to a website or share it with a public or internal link.

With export to html5 formats, you can easily embed the presentation in your current website or CLM systems like Veeva or IMS.


From Microsoft PowerPoint to Veeva in few clicks. It's efficient and easy.