Rich media is taking over digital advertising. But to use them properly it’s necessary to understand what drives the real value and what is only the fancy addition. And what most people think is hidden behind the rich media term?
Well, usually it’s associated with video content, and obviously, it is a main “catch”, however, it’s very important to remember there’s a lot more to offer to the customers. And as trends in marketing change every day, so the form of promotion should. Today’s consumers are very overwhelmed with the number of advertisements they are surrounded with, especially those which don’t fit their interests and those which surprise them with unwanted interactive content (such as those with too loud, automatically played videos). It is now more than ever – quality over quantity. Though I hope that you haven’t crossed video off from your marketing to-do list yet – according to Cisco, by 2019, 80% of traffic on the Internet will be used on videos [source], so it’s more about how to make it effective than how to replace it. And to increase its effectiveness you need to do just two things: personalize and automate it.
The key to successful online video campaign is understanding that video spot on the internet does not fulfill users’ needs. They expect something more. They expect what rich media can offer.
Olaf Szymanski, Sales Development Director, Sataka
However, as I mentioned before, rich media is not only about video. Let’s get a closer look at a great example of what they are and what they can – introducing a High-performance business messaging system. Highp is an omnichannel communication system that allows for advanced messaging and holding digital dialog between the customer and company in real-time. How does it work? A company starts a new campaign. It can be sent to the clients by representatives or centrally, on behalf of them. Customers get synergic notifications via text and e-mail, containing a link to the website. After clicking on the link, a proper message will appear.
The message sent by a representative may contain a short welcoming video, where the rep can tell the client what the message is about and refer to the previous message or the last meeting. It is a very simple (and low cost) way to build a strong relationship with customers. To engage them even more in the communication and get instant feedback, a company can ask for rating the video. If something went wrong and the feedback is negative, a rep can react immediately.
Everyone knows that a message should be sexy to interest the audience. Highp allows for adding many attractive components to the message, e. g. navigation bar with the company’s logo, cover photo and thumbnails, sender information, quotations, videos and much more.
But the most interesting components are those allowing users to interact. Imagine you’re a doctor attending a two-day conference organized in a city you’ve never been to. All you need to know before the conference is in the Highp invitation you get, within a few clicks distance. If you’re driving a car or using public transportation, you can click on the google maps and get directions; if you’re not registered to the Congress, you can click on the link and you’ll be switched to the registration website; in the attached PDF file, you can see the agenda of the Congress, and – if you have any special requirements – you can just click on one of the Call-To-Action buttons and someone will contact you and fulfill your needs at the Congress.
After the first day of the Congress, you’ll get an overnight report, containing interactive DBE presentation, video-commented by the Key Opinion Leader. If you want, you can take part in a quiz challenge, to check on your knowledge.
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Rich media hold users longer. It’s like playing with technology – they have fun clicking on interactive components and they wait to see what’s going to happen. And the longer exposition to the brand, the bigger the conversion to sales.